Thursday, 30 April 2015

Project Night at High Vinnalls...

Building a bird-box or creating a pattern for a bag - those were the options on offer to the children at Bath's Best Boarding House on this week's Wacky Wednesday. We had a great time - whilst it is always lovely to run around outside and live life at a 100 miles an hour, it was equally as nice to concentrate on skills that will be useful in later life as well as just sitting down and chatting. These projects will be ongoing this term - check back later in the term to see how we got on...

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

One week down already at Bath's Best Boarding House...

Is it one week already? The time has certainly flown by and we have all been treated to such wonderful weather over the last seven days which has meant we have been able to spend most of the time outside (when we haven't been doing homework of course!)

There have been trips out, days in and plenty of fun with friends...