Monday 30 November 2015

It's beginning to look a bit like Christmas....

What a lovely weekend we have had a High Vinnalls. On Saturday the boarders created beautiful decorations for the house which are now adorning the dining room. There was also some cake and mince pie baking and the children enjoyed testing out their bakes!
Sunday saw the boarders head to Bath on Ice in Victoria Park for a slot on the ice rink. Although they were a bit cold and wet - it didn't stop them from having lots of fun.
Sunday evening is a particular highlight in the HV calendar - Advent Supper. We are always provided with an amazing supper and this year was no exception. We were joined this year, by Mr Titley who returned to HV to switch on the Christmas lights. The boarders all had lots of fun at our 'in-house' disco afterwards! There are still many more Christmas events to come at KPS and HV but this weekend was a great way to start the run up to the Christmas Holidays.

Kaboom! Pow! Blast! Theme Night at Bath's Best Boarding House!

We had great fun on Wednesday night as we embarked on our termly theme night - Superheroes!
There was a super supper with Avengers Pizza, Hulk Jelly and Captain America Cupcakes to name a few culinary delights. After being stuffed full of food the boarders took on several superhero challenges - and art and craft based one, a Spiderman challenge and then finally 'pin the crest' on Batman! We all had a blast!