Monday 24 November 2014

Eating out and At Bristol - Bath's Best Boarding House hits the road...

Saturday - After a morning of watching brothers, sisters and friends playing Westwood House matches, the children had certainly worked up an appetite for some hearty food by the time lunchtime arrived. A brisk walk into Bath was followed by a civilised lunch at Pizza Express where the pizza and pasta flowed and the obligatory selfie (although a little fuzzy!) was taken.
Sunday - After a lie-in until 8.00am (wow!), breakfast, prep and a bit of free time, the boarders went to the dining hall for the world famous Kingswood Brunch before heading off to At Bristol, an interactive extravaganza of weird and wonderful scientific and technology based hands-on experiments. The children (as well as Mrs. Gilmore and Mr. Chitson!) had a blast with the planetarium, soft play and animation experiments being the most popular aspects. Enjoy a selection of photos below: